Friday, December 31, 2010

The end of 2010. My "sparkle", also known as my youngest, Kimberly, has been attending Portland State University in Portland,Oregon this past year. She works very hard at school and at work. She takes good care of herself and her Dad and I are so proud of her. She came home early in December for a few days and we had a lovely Christmas. She has never missed a Christmas with us before so when December 25th rambled around she was dearly missed. We had a nice dinner with Jeff anyway.

Last Sunday she and her gal pal, Lizzy flew out from Portland, Oregon to New York City. Mother Nature had other plans. Snowstorm 2010 was fast and massive and the east coast airports were shut down. They were stuck at the Hilton across from the airport in Chicago. Poor little dears... they have been having a blast exploring the Windy city. Today is Friday and I just got a call from her that she was finally able to get a standbye flight with Lizzy last night. So they will be able to enjoy New Year's in the Big Apple. Lucky girls... I just hope it doesn't take them a week to get home.

My kids keep me on my toes and on my knees. I love them so very much. 2011 looks better than ever. Susi


Wow! What a year! Brad and I and our family have been on such a journey this year. Up and down but a journey none the less.
My son, Jeff found out last year that he had broken his back. I don't know how he was able to walk. We had him move back in with us and he brought his buddy George to stay with us too to help out. He survived the surgery and has had tremendous pain ever since. And like many a back surgery, his spine, even after rods and screws, continues to degenerate. He has a very strong spirit and even though his is disabled for now, he forges on. He can't work on cars anymore... it was his passion. Now he is out on his own again and writing music and trying to figure out the next step in his life. He wants to work but no one will touch him because of liability issues with his back. The doctors don't want him on his feet for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. He's only 26 and I have faith that through this challenge he will make his way in life again, stronger in spirit and more compassionate than ever.
This summer my mother had the same surgery on her back. Her 3 day hospital stay turned into 6 weeks. Luckily I was able to be there with her. I pray she never, ever has to face anything like that again in her lifetime. She is doing much better. My Aunt Mary also had this surgery at the beginning of December and is struggling. Aunt Mary just turned 76 and my Mom will also turn 76this coming March. I pray for all of them everyday.
My cousin Tracy left this world just after I returned home for my Mom's surgery. It was difficult. She was only 56 and had survived several bouts of cancer. This time though her lungs were so damaged by the long term radiation she simply had no strength left to breath on her own. I am so grateful that her husband Joe and daughter Brittany allowed her to pass in peace and did not want her to live as a vegetable on machines. She was my informant on how my Mom was doing since we live on opposite sides of the country. She had a great sense of humor and a strength that I will marvel at forever. You see, she did not complain. Always grateful, and always caring. When my grandaughter Lillie had to have chemo, she came right over to my Mom's and talked to Kristen, Mom and Me and very matter of factly told us that chemo is not fun, but that the medical world had improved on it so much that Lillie even at 4 months of age would be ok. I love her for that. I miss you Tracy... every day. I pray for her loving sister Sonja and her brothers, Richard and Paul and, of course for Joe and Brittany. They are one amazing family.
Our Lillie, now 6, has not had to have chemo this past year. Yahoo! She is very tiny and hasn't grown in stature or gained weight in awhile but her spirit in collosal. She like, Tracy, amazes me every day. Her two younger brothers are so much fun and baby Malia is quiet the girly, girl just like Lillie. Her growth will be addressed and she is doing well. That is all we can ask for. Every day is a gift. She has a good prognosis.
This year in the world, many things have happened. The Celtics and the Lakers had an amazing final playoff game, one of the most exciting I have ever seen. The Lakers won... but what a game! There was a devastating earthquake in Haiti. The world came forward with aide like never before. Haiti is an impoverished place and is still struggling. There vocanic eruptions in Iceland that shut down air travel in Europe for a long time. Our economy has suffered horribly from a fallout in housing that hit very low last year. There were oil spills in the gulf and an economic and ecological consequence that has changed the gulf coast and will for many, many years to come. The world economy has suffered greatly. There are many people who, through no fault of their own, have lost homes and jobs. There is a great number of homeless people and tragically little health care. Yet we are Americans. Even through two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, we still plow forward with hope and faith. We stand tall despite our challenges. We are hardy. We are resilliant. We are a country based on faith in God. We have hope. We are united. God bless America and God bless each of us.
This is the very last day of 2010. I awakened early to see that the cold outside had plummeted to all of 8 degrees. Now, a little before noon, we have cranked up to 11 degrees. I am so thankful for my husband, my children, my family, and most importantly my faith in Jesus Christ. We are very, very blessed. We have each other. I am so looking forward to 2011. Our next grandson is due on Febuary 11th. He will be Kristen and Williams fifth child. What a lucky little boy... what a lucky family. Stay strong friends and loved ones. I wish each of you a better and healthy New Year. Untill we meet again.... Susi


2009 was a wonderful year. Our beautiful little granddaughter Malia Pule was born on September 12th. I was able to join the family in Hawaii for several weeks. I adore my family so. She is the perfect addition to Kristen and Williams beautiful bustling family.